Our review of Six
SIX is the girl power musical we’ve been waiting for

Uplifting Sisterly Sassiness
The transformation of the wives into a modern-day girl pop group, vying for X factor type glory...is a brilliant adaptation
The Spice Girls might have reunited but they've got a run for their money in the unexpected form of Henry VIII's wives, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr. But unlike their static portraits (and positions in history), these girls can sing and dance and put on a dazzling performance. The transformation of the wives into a modern-day girl pop group, vying for X factor type glory as they compete for the title of who had it worst' is a brilliant adaptation. If only history lessons had been as fun!
This sassy musical from Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss had huge success at the Edinburgh Fringe before transferring to the West End at the Arts Theatre in late 2018. The show is fun, sexy and poppy but there is a serious message that underlies the silliness and Tudor puff sleeves as the wives spill the beans on their lives with Henry. This is HER-story and they should be remembered for more than being Henry's Exes'.
The mish-mash of pop and theatre and text-speak (plum line: everybody chill, it's totes God's will') might seem laughable at first but it works to make light of the serious material. The dialogue is quick and smart, the characters are relatable and the emotions real.
On a girl's night out to the theatre, we couldn't help but join in unison and standing ovation as we were buoyed by the confident and uplifting beat. It's a thumbs up from us for a star performance from a young cast in this brand new classic.